英語是一門通用性的語言,很多人都想學好英語,但是在學習的英語的時候通常都不是很理想。這次我給大家整理了人教版 八年級 英語知識點總結,供大家閱讀參考。
人教版八年級英語知識點總結what’s the matter?
1.too much 太多 2.lie down 躺下
3.get an X-ray 做個X光檢查 4.take one ’s temperature 量體溫
5.put some medicine on ......在....上敷藥 6.have a fever 發燒
7.take breaks /take a break 休息 8.without thinking twice 沒多想
9.get off 下車 10.take sb to the hospital 送某人去醫院
11.wait for等待 12.to one’s surprise 使.......驚訝的
13.thanks to多虧于;由于 14.in time及時
15.think about 考慮 16.have a heart problem患有心臟病
17.get into the trouble 遇到麻煩 18.do the right thing做正確的事情事情
19.fall down 摔倒 20.put ...... on sth把...放在某物上
21.get hit/sunburned 摔傷/燒傷 22.be interested in 對.....感興趣
23.be used to 習慣于.... 24.take risks/take a risk 挑戰
25.lose one’s life 失去生命 26.because of 因為
27.run out of 用完 28.cut off 切除
29.get out of 從...出來 30.make a decision/decisions 做決定
31.be in control of 掌管;管理 32.give up 放棄
1.need to do sth .需要去做某事 2.see sb doing sth 看見某人正在做某事
3.ask sb sth 詢問某人某事 4.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事
5.agree to do sth 同意做某事 6.help sb (to) do sth 幫助某人做某事
7.want to do sth 想要做某事 8.tell sb to do sth 告訴某人做某事
9.have problems(in) doing sth 做某事有困難 10.use sth to do sth用某物去做某事
11.be/get used to doing sth 習慣于做某事 12.seem to do sth 好像做某事
13.keep on doing sth 繼續做某事 14.mind doing sth 介意做某事
1. What’s the matter (with you)? 怎么了?出什么事了?
What’s the trouble/ the problem / wrong with sb./ sth.?
2. I had a cold.我感冒了。
1、come true:讀音[k?m tru?],come true是不及物動詞詞組,沒有被動,后面也不能加賓語。
2、pay for:讀音[pe? f??(r)],指賠償;為……而付錢;為……付出代價。
3、found out:讀音[fa?nd a?t],指發現;猜著;想出;揭發(壞人等)。
4、think for:讀音[θ??k f??(r)],指認為,預料。
5、work on:讀音[w??k ?n],指對…有效;動(人,感情等);向…做工作;左右。
英語單詞構詞、發音有規律,掌握這些規律,可以幫助我們記人教版 八年級 英語的單詞。我整理了關于人教版八年級下冊英語帶音標的單詞表,希望對大家有幫助!
八年級下冊英語單詞表帶音標人教版UNIT1will [wil, w?l,] 將、會、要
robot ['r?ub?t] n.機器人
won't=will not
they'll=they will
everything [\evriθi?] pron.每件事物
paper ['peip?] n.紙;紙張
fewer ['fju:?] adj.(few的比較級)較少的;較少數
pollution [p?'lu??n] n.污染
tree [tri:] n.樹;樹木
she'll=she will
building ['bildi?] n.建筑物;房屋
astronaut ['?str?n?:t] n.宇航員,航天員
rocket ['r?kit] n.火箭
space [speis] n.空間;太空
space station 空間站
fly [flai] v.飛行
took [t?k] v.take的過去式
moon [mu:n] n.月亮;月球
I'll = I will
fall [f?:l] v.落下;跌落;變為
fell [fel] v.fall的過去式
fall in love with 愛上
alone [?'l?un] adv.單獨地;孤獨地
pet [pet] n.寵物
parrot ['p?r?t] n.鸚鵡
go skating去滑冰
suit [sju:t] n.一套衣服
able ['eibl] 能、能夠
be able to 有能力做某事、會做某事
dress [dres] v.穿衣
casually ['k??j??l?] adv.非正式地;隨意地
which [hwit?,w?t?] pron.哪個;哪幾個
even ['i:v?n] adv.甚至
The World [w?:ld] Cup 世界杯
wrote [r??t] v.write的過去式
myself [mai'self] pron.(反身代詞)我自己;我本人
interview ['int?vju:] n.面試;面談
predict [pri'dikt] v.預報;預言
prediction [pr?'d?k??n] n.預言;預測
came [ke?m] v.come的過去式
come true 實現;達到
sound [saund] n.聲音
company ['k?mp?ni] n.公司
Thought [θ?:t] v.think的過去式
strategy ['str?tid?i] 策略、戰略
fiction ['fik??n] n.小說
unpleasant [?n'plez?nt] adj.使人不愉快的
scientist ['sai?ntist] n.科學家
in the future ['fju:t??] 未來、將來
hundred ['h?ndr?d] n.一百
hundreds of 大量、許多
already [?:l'redi] adv.早已;先前
made v.make的過去式
factory ['f?kt?ri,f?ktri] n.工廠
simple ['simpl] adj.簡單的;簡易的
such [s?t?] adj.這樣的;這種
bored [b?:d] adj.厭煩的;厭倦的
everywhere ['evrihw??] adv.各地;到處
human ['hju:m?n] n.人;人類
huge [hju:d?] n.巨大的;極大的
shape [?eip] n.外形;形狀
earthquake ['?:θkweik] n.地震
snake [sneik] n.蛇
possible ['p?s?bl] adj.可能的
electric [I'lektrik] adj.電的;導電的
toothbrush ['tu:θ'br??] n.牙刷
seem v.像是;似乎
impossible [im'p?s?bl] adj.不可能的;不會發生的
housework ['hausw?:k] n.家務;家務事
rating ['reiti?] n.級別;等級
八年級下冊英語單詞表帶音標人教版UNIT2keep out 不讓……進入
play v.播放
argue ['ɑ:ɡju:] v.爭論;爭吵
wrong [r??] adj.錯誤的;有毛病的;不合適的
What's wrong?怎么了?
style [stail] n.風格、款式、式樣
out of style 不時髦的,過時的
could [kud, k?d] modal v. can的過去式
What’s the matter ['m?t?] 怎么了
call sb. up 打電話給
ticket ['tikit] n.票;入場券
surprise [s?'praiz] v.使驚奇;使意外
on the phone 用電話交談;在通話
pay for 付……款、付買……的錢
part-time job 兼職工作
okay ['?u'kei] adj.好的
either ['aie?] adj.任一的;(兩方中的)每一方的
bake [beik] v.烤;烘
Teen Talk [ti:n] 青少年論壇(節目名稱)
tutor ['tju:t?] n.家庭教師
original [?'rid?in?l] adj.新穎的
the same as 與……同樣的
in style [stail] 時髦的;流行的
haircut ['he?'k?t] n.理發;發型
except [ik'sept] prep.除;把--除外
upset [?p'set] adj.心煩的,沮喪的
fail [feil] v.失敗
get on 相處;進展
didn't = did not
couldn't = could not
return [ri't?:n] v.歸還;送回
football ['futb?:l] n.足球
until [?n'til,?n'til] 到--為止
fit …into…找到時間(做某事)
as……as possible ['p?s?bl] 盡可能……
pressure ['pre??] n.壓力
complain [k?m'plein] v.抱怨;埋怨、發牢騷
include [in'klu:d] v.包括;包含
pushy ['pu?i] adj.固執己見的;一意孤行的
push [pu?] v.推;推動;督促
sent [sent] v.派遣、打發、安排去
all kinds of 各種各樣的
compare [k?m'p??] v.比較
crazy ['kreizi] adj.瘋狂的;狂熱的
themselves [e?m'selvz] (反身代詞)他(她,它)們自己
adult ['?d?lt] n.成年人
on the one hand (在)一方面
organized ['?:ɡ?naizd] adj.有組織的
on the other hand (在)另一方面
freedom ['fri:d?m] n.自由
八年級下冊英語單詞表帶音標人教版UNIT 3UFO ['ju:ef'??] 不行飛行物;飛碟
barber ['bɑ:b?] (為男子服務的)理發師
barber shop 理發店
bathroom ['bɑ:θrum] 浴室
bedroom ['bed'ru:m] 臥室;寢室
kitchen ['kit?in] 廚房
get out 出去;離開
alien ['eilj?n] 從另一個世界來的生物;外星人
bought [b?:t] buy的過去式
land [l?nd] 著陸
got [g?t] get的過去式
take off 起飛
while [hwail] 當……的時候
experience [iks'pi?ri?ns] 經歷;體驗
imagine [I'm?d?in] 想象;設想
strange [streind?] 奇怪的;陌生的
follow ['f?l?u] 跟隨;追隨
amazing [?'me?z??] 令人驚奇的
kid [kid] 開玩笑;戲弄;欺騙
scared [ske?d] 恐懼的
climb [klaim] 攀登;爬
jump [d??mp] 跳躍
shout [?aut] 呼喊;呼叫
rode [r??d] ride的過去式
train station ['stei??n] 火車站
ran [r?n] run的過去式
run away 逃跑;跑掉
anywhere [enihw??] 任何地方
met [met] meet的過去式
come in 進來
happen ['h?p?n] 發生
accident ['?ksid?nt] 事故
Beijing Internation Airport ['??p?:t] 北京國際機場
plane [plein] 飛機
heard [h??d] hear的過去式
modern ['m?d?n] 現代的;現代化的
kill [kil] 殺死;致死
Memphis [memfis] 孟菲斯(美國田納西州西南部一城市)
murder ['m?:d?] v.and n.謀殺;兇殺
hear about 聽說
bright [brait] adj.明亮的;發亮的
playground ['pleiɡraund] n.運動場;操場
bell [bel] n.鐘;鈴;門鈴
rang [r??] v.ring的過去式
told [t??ld] v.tell的過去式
close [kl?uz] v.關閉
silence ['sail?ns] n.寂靜;沉靜
take place [pleis] 發生
recent ['ri:snt] adj.最近的;近來的
World Trade Center [w?:ld,treid, 'sent?] 世界貿易中心
destroy [dis'tr?i] v.破壞;毀壞
terrorist ['ter?r?st] n.恐怖分子
meaning ['mi:ni?] n.意思;含義
as……as 像……(一樣)
became [b?'ke?m] v.become的過去式
flight [flait] n.航班,班機
earth [?:θ] n.地球
hero ['hi?r?u] n.英雄
flew [flu:] v.fly的過去式
Unit 1
dig [d?g] 挖(洞,溝等)
serious ['s??r??s] 認真的,嚴肅的
breadfruit 面包果
reduce [r??dju?s] 減少,降低
turn off [?t??n?f] 關掉(開關),切斷
recycle [ri?'sa?kl] 回收利用,循環利用
cause [k??z] 導致,造成
wise [wa?z] 明智的,充滿智慧的
plastic ['pl?st?k] 塑料
separate [?sep?r?t] 分開,隔開
recycling 回收利用,循環利用
allow [?'la?] 允許
cut down ['k?tda?n] 砍倒
punish [?p?n??] 處罰,懲罰
fine [fa?n] 罰款 adj.美好(優秀)的
limit [?l?m?t] 限制
depend [d??pend] 依靠,依賴,指望
depend on/upon 依靠;取決于
rich [r?t?] 豐富的;富有的
resource 資源
wisely 明智地,充滿智慧地
run out 用完,耗盡
produce [pr?'dju?s] 導致,產生
difference ['d?f?r?ns] 差異,不同(之處)
make a difference (to sb/sth) (對…)有影響,起作用
display [d?'sple?] 展示;陳列
pollute [p?'lu?t] 污染
harm [hɑ?m] 傷害;損害
living [?l?v??] 活著的,活的
survey [s??'ve?] 調查
empty ['empti] 空的
dust [d?st] 灰塵,塵土
harmful [?hɑ?mf?l] 有害的
soil [s??l] 土壤
in place 在正確位置
coal [k??l] 煤
oil [??l] 石油;原油;食用油
gas [ɡ?s] 氣體;煤氣
form [f??m] 形成
carelessly [/?k e?l?sl?] 滿不在乎地;粗心地
reuse [ri??ju?z] 再使用
simple [?s?mp(?)l] 簡單的
step [step] 步驟
power [?pa?d?] 電力;力量
1.plant trees 種樹
2.be good for... 對……有好處
3.reduce air pollution 減少空氣污染
4.save water 節約用水
5.take shorter showers 縮短洗澡時間
6.turn off the lights 關燈
7.protect the environment by recycling waste
8.live a green life 過著環保的生活
9.used to 曾經
10.drive me to school 開車送我去上學
11.take the underground 乘地鐵
12.cause serious air pollution
13.choose public transport
14.a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes
15.keep it that way 保持原樣
16.be separated into different groups
17.learn about an organization for recycling clothes
18.collect old clothes from all over the country
19.be sold in charity shops
20.be given to the poor 被送給窮人
21.be sent to factories for recycling
22.have many laws to do
23.for example 例如
24.be not allowed to cut down trees
25.drop litter in a public place
26.be fined by the police
27.limit air and water pollution
28.our greatest treasure
29.depend on 依靠
30.rich resources 豐富的資源
31.use energy from the sun, wind and water
32.these new types of energy
33.cost very little 花費很少
34.run out 用完
35.produce little pollution
36.World Environment Day
37.do ... for the environment
38.do something to make a difference
39.cause a result
40.be used up 被用完
41.do something wrong 做錯事
42.something used 用過的東西
43.so that 為了
44.set up 成立
45.protect nature 保護自然
46.my online friend 我的網友
47.keep their country clean
48.do with 處理
49.sound like a good idea
50.in the town square
51.at the town hall
52.be invited to the show
53.at the show 在演出中
54.videos about the past and present of Sunshine town
55.one of the biggest problems
56.be thrown into lakes and rivers
57.be filled with 被填滿
58.in the future 在將來
59.clean up 清理干凈
60.as well as 也;和……一樣
61.act to improve the environment
62.living things 有生命的東西
63.some good news 好消息
64.have a chance to do 有機會做某事
65.on that day 在那天
66.work together 一起工作
67.make the world a better place
68.turn off the tap 關水龍頭
69.brush teeth 刷牙
70.take showers for less than 10 minutes
洗澡不超過10 分鐘
71.use both sides of the paper 用紙的兩面
72.recycle empty bottles 回收空瓶子
73.take their own bags to the supermarket
74.do a survey 調查
75.be asked about their daily habits
76.the results of ……的結果
77.look nicer with more trees around
78.reduce dust 減少灰塵
79.be harmful to our health
80.keep soil in place
81.not only... but (also)...
82.be dug up from the ground
83.as a result 結果
84.if possible 如果可能
85.some simple steps to take
86.in use 使用
87.change for the worse
88.in order to save power
89.a good way to do...
90.develop a green lifestyle
91.do more exercise 做更多的運動
92.watch less TV 少看電視
1.Treat something used so that it can be used again.
以上就是八年級下冊英語人教版視頻的全部內容,畢業于江西省吉安師范專科學校(井岡山大學)英語系。從事英語教學20多年,現為中學高級教師。 向TA提問 私信TA 關注 展開全部 人教新目標英語八年級下冊Reading翻譯 Unit 1 你認為你將擁有自己的機器人嗎? 在一些科幻影片中,未來的人們擁有自己的機器人。