目錄高中必修一英語單詞 高中英語必備短語大全 高中英語必考詞3500 高中生必背英語單詞 高中必背英語單詞3600
1. accident〔5AksidEnt〕n.事故,意外的事
2. adventure〔Ed5ventFE〕n.冒險;奇遇
3. advertisement〔Ed5vE:tismEnt〕n.廣告
4. ambulance〔5AmbjulEns〕n.救護車
5. anxious〔5ANkFEs〕a.憂慮的,粗漏焦急的
6. apologize〔E5pClEdVaiz〕vi.道歉,謝罪
7. appearance〔E5piErEns〕n.出現,露面;容貌
8. appointment〔E5pCintmEnt〕n.約會
9. appreciate〔E5pri:Fieit〕v.欣賞;感激
10. audience〔5C:djEns〕n.觀眾,聽眾
11. average〔5AvEridV〕a.平均的;普通的n.平均數
12. baggage〔5bA^idV〕n.行李
13. bamboo〔bAm5bu:〕n.竹
14. beard〔biEd〕n. (下巴上的)胡須
15. behaviour〔bi5heivjE〕n.行為,舉止
16. blame〔bleim〕n.& v.責備;責怪
17. bleed〔bli:d〕vi.出血,流血
18. telephone booth電話亭
19. boring〔5bC:riN〕a.乏味的,無聊的
20. breathe〔bri:T〕vi.呼吸
21. broadcast〔5brC:dkB:st〕(broadcast,broadcast)vt.廣播
22. businessman〔5bIznIsmEn〕n.商人;企業家
23. camera〔5kAmErE〕n.照相機;攝像機
24. candle〔5kAndl〕n.蠟燭
25. carrot〔5kArEt〕n.胡蘿卜
26. ceiling〔5si:liN〕n.天花板,頂棚
27. celebrate〔5selibreit〕v.慶祝
28. centigrade〔5senti^reid〕a.攝氏的
29. century〔5sentFuri,-tFEri〕n.世紀,百年
30. certificate〔sE5tifikit〕n.證明,證明書
31. chain store(s)連鎖店
32. cheek〔tFi:k〕n.面頰,臉蛋
33. chemistry〔5kemistri〕n.化學
34. circle〔5sE:kl〕n. vt.圓圈將……圈起來
35. classical〔5klAsikEl〕a.傳統的;古典的
36. climate〔5klaimit〕n.氣候
37. clinic〔5klinik〕n.診所
38. college〔5kClidV〕n.學院;專科學校
39. comfortable〔5kQmfEtEbl〕a.舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的
40. comment〔5kCment〕n.評論
41. communicate〔kE5mju:nikeit〕v.交際;傳達(感情,信息等)
42. compare〔kEm5pZE〕vt.比較,對照
43. composition〔kCmpE5ziFEn〕n.作文;作曲
44. conceited〔kEn5si:tid〕a.驕傲自滿的
45. condition〔kEn5diFEn〕n.條件,狀況襪型
46. conference〔5kCnfErEns〕n.(正式的)會議;討論
47. congratulate〔kEn5^rAtjuleit〕vt.祝賀
48. content〔kEn5tent〕a.甘愿的,滿意的n.內容
49. convenient〔kEn5vi:njEnt〕a.便利的,方便的
50. counter〔5kauntE〕n.柜臺,結賬處
51. countryside〔5kQntrisaid〕n.鄉下,農村
52. cousin〔5kQzn〕n.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹
53. crazy〔5kreizi〕a.瘋狂的
54. crowded〔5kraudid〕a.擁擠的
55. curious〔5kjuEriEs〕a.好奇的;奇異的
56. daily〔5deili〕a.每日的;日常的ad.每天告凳猜n.日報
57. damage〔5dAmidV〕n.& vt.毀壞,損害
58. damp〔dAmp〕a. & n.潮濕(的)
59. dangerous〔5deindVrEs〕a.危險的
60. daughter〔5dC:tE〕n.女兒
61. dawn〔dC:n〕n.黎明,拂曉
62. deadline〔5dedlain〕n.最后期限,截止日期
63. December〔di5sembE〕n. 12月
64. delicious〔di5liFEs〕a.美味的,可口的
65. deliver〔di5livE〕vt.投遞(信件,郵包等)
66. dentist〔5dentist〕n.牙科醫生
67. describe〔dis5kraib〕vt.描寫,敘述
68. destroy〔dis5trCi〕vt.破壞,毀壞
69. determine〔di5tE:min〕vt.決定;決心
70. develop〔di5velEp〕v使發展;使發達;使發育;開發vt沖洗照片
71. devote〔di5vEut〕vt.把……奉獻;把……專用(于)
72. diary〔5daiEri〕n.日記;日記簿
73. dictionary〔5dikFEnEri〕n.詞典,字典
74. dining-room〔5dainiN- ru:m〕食堂,飯廳
75. disadvantage〔7disEd5vB:ntidV〕n.不利條件;弱點
76. disappear〔7disE5piE〕vi.消失
77. disaster〔di5zB:stE〕n.災難;禍患
78. discovery〔dis5kQvEri〕n.發現
79. disease〔di5zi:z〕n.病,疾病
80. distant〔5distEnt〕a.遠的,遙遠的
81. district〔5distrikt〕n.區;地區;區域
82. disturb〔dis5tE:b〕vt.擾亂;打擾
83. divide〔di5vaid〕vt.分,劃分
84. dizzy〔5dizi〕a.頭暈目眩的
85. download〔daun5lEud〕n.& v.(計算機用語)
86. drawer〔5drC:E〕n.抽屜
87. drunk〔drQNk〕a.醉的
88. easy-going〔5i:zI-5^EuiN〕a.隨和的
89. education〔7edju(:)5keiFEn〕n.教育,培養
90. effort〔5efEt〕n.努力,艱難的嘗試
91. electricity〔Ilek5trIsItI〕n.電;電流
92. encourage〔in5kQridV〕vt.鼓勵
93. endless〔5endlis〕a.無止境的;沒完的
94. enlarge〔in5lB:dV〕vt.擴大
95. entertainment〔entE5teinmEnt〕n.娛樂
96. entrance〔`entrEns〕n.;入場;進入的權利;入學許可
97. envelope〔5envilEup〕n.信封
98. environment〔in5vaiErEnmEnt〕n.環境
99. especially〔is5peFEli〕ad.特別,尤其
100. examine〔i^5zAmin〕vt.檢查;診察
absence 缺席,不在場,缺乏
absorbv 吸收,使專心
abstract 抽象的,摘要
academic 學院的,學術的
access 接近,通道,
accordingly 因此,依照
account 記述,解釋,賬目
accurate 準確的,正確無誤的
accuse 指責,歸咎于
actor 男演員
actress 女演員
actual 實際的,現行的
adapt 使適應,改編
admire 欽佩,羨慕,贊賞
admit 承認,準許…進入
adopt 收養,采用,采取
adult 成年人,成年的
advance 前進,提高;進展
adventure 冒險,驚險活動
affair 事情,事件,事務
affect 影響,感動
afterward(s) 后來,以后,隨后
agent 代理人,代理商
agriculture 農業,農藝,農學
ahead 在前,向前,提前
aid 幫助,救護,助手
aim 瞄準,針對,致力
aircraft 飛機,飛行器
alarm 驚恐,憂慮,警報
album 集郵本,照相簿,唱片
alcohol 酒精,乙醇
altogether 完全,總而言之
amaze 使驚奇,使驚愕
ambition 雄心,抱負,野心
amount 總數,數量,和
amuse 逗…梁升樂,給…娛樂
analyze 分析,分解,解析
ancestor 祖宗,祖先
anger 怒,憤怒;使發怒
angle 角,角度
anniversary 周年紀念日
announce 宣布,發表
annoy 使惱怒,打攪
anxious 憂慮的,渴望的
anyhow 無論如何
apart 相隔,分開,除去
apartment 一套公寓房間
apologize 道歉,謝罪,認錯
appearance 出現,來到,外觀
apply 應用,實施,使用
appointment 任命,約定,約會
appreciate 欣賞,領會,感謝
approach 向…靠近;靠近
architecture 建筑學,建筑式樣
argue 爭論,爭辯,辯論
arrange 籌備,整理,調解
arrest 逮捕,橡棚老拘留和鎮
arrival 到達,到達者
artist 藝術家,美術家
ash 灰,灰末,骨灰
ashamed 慚愧(的),羞恥(的)
aside 在旁邊,到旁邊
aspect 方面,樣子,外表
assistant 助手,助教
assume 假定,承擔,呈現
astonish 使驚訝,使吃驚
athlete 運動員
atmosphere 大氣,氣氛
attach 縛,系,貼,附加
attackvt 攻擊,進攻
attempt 嘗試,試圖;企圖
attend 出席,照顧,護理
attitude 態度,看法,姿勢
attract 吸引,誘惑
audience 聽眾,觀眾
available 可利用的,通用的
average 平均數;平均的
award 獎,獎品,判定
aware 知道的,意識到的
awful 令人不愉快的
以上內容參考 ——高中英語必背3500單詞表(完整版)
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1. mad adj. 發瘋的;生氣的; drive sb. mad/crazy; go mad/crazy;
be mad at/ with sb. about …因…歷拍御和…生氣
2. mail n./ vt. send a letter by mail /post; mail sth to sb/ mail sb sth
3. main adj. mainly adv. the main road / course
4. major 1) adj. 較大的 主要的 a major road
2) n. 主修課程;專業課 主修某專業的學生 When I was at university, English was my major.
In other words, I was an English major.
3) vi. 主修… I majored in English.
5. majority n. the / a majority of … The / A majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.
6. make v. 1) 制造 做make sth. into…把…制成… be made into
make sth. (out) of… --- be make of… make sth. from… --- be made from…
2) make coffee/tea 煮咖啡/沏茶; make the bed 鋪床
3) make yourself heard/ understand (使你自己被聽到/理解)
make sb do sth----sb be made to do (使賀裂某人做某事)
She made him her assistant. (任命)
4)link-v 成為 She will make a good mother. This room would make a nice office.
5) make money/ a fortune/ a living
6) make it 獲得成功;幸免于難,渡過難關;準時到達;能夠出席到場
He will never really make it as an actor. 作為演員他永遠不肢巖會真正的成功.
The doctors think he’s going to make it. 醫生們認為他能挺過去.
I’m sorry I won’t be able to make it on Sunday. 很抱歉, 星期天我不能到場.
7) make the most of… 充分利用 8) make out 辨別清楚; 理解,明白
I could just made out a figure in the darkness. I can’t make out what she wants.
9) make up 組成; 編造; 補上(for);化妝; 和好
Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?
Has he made up with her yet? 他跟她和好了嗎?
7.manage v. 經營,管理;設法完成 management manager
manage a factory; manage to do = succeed in doing
8. manner n. 1)方式,方法;態度,舉止 in a friendly manner 友好的態度
2)禮貌,禮儀 (常用復數形式) table manners 餐桌禮儀
It’s good /bad manners to do sth 做某事有禮貌/沒禮貌
9.march 1) vt./vi. 行軍,行進 march on Washington DC 向華盛頓進軍
2) n. on the march 在行軍中
10. mark 1) v. 標記; 打分,評成績; 紀念, 慶賀, 標志著
the goods marked with prices; I hate marking exam papers
a ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the foundation of China.
His death marked the end of an era(時代).
2)n. 成績,分數;記號; get a low/high mark get full marks make a mark
11. marry v.結婚 marry sb 娶/嫁給某人 marry sb. to sb 把某人嫁給某人
get/be married to sb 與某人結婚; has/have been married for 2 years.
12. mass n. 團,塊,大量 a mass of / masses of; the masses 群眾
a mass of cloud 一朵云彩/ masses of clouds 朵朵云彩
13. master 1)n. 主人;能手; 碩士學位 the master of one’s own future 自己未來的主人;
get one’s master’s degree
2)vt. 精通,掌握,控制 master a foreign language; master her temper
14. match –matches
1) 比賽;火柴;匹敵的人,對手;匹配的人/物 strike a match劃火柴 a box of matches 一盒火柴
I was no match for him at tennis. 打網球我不是他的對手
I’m his match at tennis. 打網球我跟他難分伯仲
The curtains and carpet are a good match.窗簾和地毯非常相配。
2) vt.配對,匹配;匹敵 match A with B No one can match him in maths.
區分fit / match /suit
15. material n. c/u 材料;布料a piece of material 一塊布料; reading/building materials 閱讀/建筑材料
16. matter
1) v. 要緊,有關系 It is the ability to do the job that matters not where you come from or what you are.
The children matter more to her than anything else in the world.
2)物質 (U) Air is matter。 問題,毛病 What’s the matter with…
情況,事態(matters)to make matters worse=what’s worse / worse still 更糟糕的.是
關鍵;關乎…的事情 It’s a matter of… It’s a matter of money. as a matter of fact
17. mean adj. 小氣的,刻薄的 be mean with money 花錢吝嗇 be mean to sb 對某人刻薄
vt. 1) 打算,意欲 mean to do mean sb to do be meant to do/for
His mother meant him to be an engineer. The chairs are meant for guests.
2) 意味著,意思是… mean (doing) sth
Money means nothing for him. What do you mean by that? 你說那個是什么意思?
18. meanwhile 1) adv. 同時=at the same time 2) n. in the meanwhile 同時
19. measure 1) vt. 測量; 有…長/寬 He has gone to be measured for a new suit.
The main bedroom measures 12m by 15m. The main bedroom measuring 12m by 15m is mine.
2) n. 尺寸;措施 make sth to one’s measure 量體裁衣; take measures to do…采取措施
20. take/ have some medicine; practice medicine 行醫 have a medical examination Good medicine is better in the mouth.良藥苦口
21.meet 1) n. 體育比賽 a sports meet 2)v. 相遇;連接;會面;迎接;滿足
That’s where the river meets the sea. meet one’s needs/ demands
meet with sb 與…相遇 make ends meet 收支相抵
22. memory n. 記憶力 have a good /bad memory; in memory of…作為對…的紀念
回憶,記憶 bring back my childhood memories
23.mention v ---Thank you. ---Don’t mention it. not to mention …更不用說
24. ◎mercy n.憐憫,寬恕 throw oneself on one’s mercy 請求某人的寬恕
show mercy to sb/have mercy to sb 對某人憐憫
25. =only adv. 僅僅,只不過
26. ●mess messy 凌亂,雜亂,不整潔 1).The room was in a mess.
2).The kids made a mess in the kitchen.
3).There’s a mess of fish down there.= a lot of 4).You are messing my hair.(弄亂)
5).The divorce was painful and messy.(糾結不清)
27. ●message 消息,口信,要旨,明白,理解 1). I left a message on your answering phone.
2).Jenny isn’t here at the moment. Can I take a message ? 3).What’s the message of the film?
4).When he started looking at his watch, I got the message and left.
5).He can’t get his message across.
28. n. 方法 with the method=in this way=by the means 用這種方法
29. v./n. make up one’s mind to do … 下定決心做;
change one’s mind 改變主意 Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不見,心不煩。
keep/bear…in mind=remember 記在心里
have…on one’s mind 擔心,掛念 have… in mind
sth. come/spring to mind 突然想起 mind doing… 介意,煩惱…
Mind your steps!= watch=be careful of… 當心,注意
Mind your own business! 別管閑事 Never mind. 沒關系,無所謂
—Do you mind if I do…/Would you mind if I did…? …你介意嗎?
—Yes, but I do/you’d better not. No, of course not/not at all.
30. mirror n. 鏡子 look into the mirror 照鏡子
Dickens’s novels are a mirror of his times. 寫照
31. miss v./n. 錯過, 想念 She threw a plate at him and only narrowly missed.
My mind wasn’t on what he was doing, so I’m afraid I missed half of it.
The hotel is the only white building on the road—you can’t miss it.
miss the point 不懂 miss doing…= avoid sth. unpleasant 避開(壞事)
The gun fired but the bird missed being killed.
be missing/gone/lost adj. 找不見的,失蹤的
32.mistake (mistook, mistaken) n./v. 錯誤,犯錯 make a mistake犯錯誤; mistake A for B 誤將A當成B by mistake 錯誤地
be mistaken (about…) 錯誤的(常作表語) 比較:It is not my fault. 這不是我的錯。
33. mix v./n. 混合 mixture n. 混合,混合物
mix up 弄錯,弄亂 mixed feelings 混雜的感受 mixed doubles 混合雙打
34. moment n. 時刻,片刻 One moment, please. 請稍候。
at the(very) moment=now/then 現在,那時(正) for the moment/present 目前,暫時 for a moment/a few moments 一會兒 the moment=as soon as=immediately=directly 一…就…
35. more,most more or less 或多或少,幾乎 at (the) most 至多,不超過
what’s more=besides=in addition=moreover 此外還有,更為重要的是
36. ●mourn vt/vi 哀痛;哀悼 1). He was still mourning his brother’s death.
2).Today, we mourn for those who lost their lives in the two world wars.
37. must n. 必須的事 A knowledge of English is a must in international trade and meetings.
英 ['p??s?nl]沒悉 美 ['p??rs?nl]
adj. 私人的;個人的枯鏈乎
n. (報刊)私人專欄
I have something personal to discuss with you.
英 [ta?] 美 [ta?]
n. 束縛;使喚昌人結合在一起的事物;領帶;繩;不分勝負
v. 系;約束;捆綁;打結;連結
He doesn't want any ties; that's why he never married.
英 [st?l] 美 [st?l]
adj. 靜止的;不動的;靜寂的
adv. 更;仍然;靜止地
v. 使......平靜下來
n. 蒸餾器;寂靜;定格照
Beware of silent dog and still water.
英 ['?f?(r)] 美 ['??f?r]
vt. 提供;提出;(賣方)出價;貢獻
vi. 提議;出現;求婚
n. 提議;出價
Can you offer any evidence in support of what you have said?
英 [?'d??n] 美 [?'d??n]
n. 增加;加法;附加物
In addition to a diet, she pursues various exercises on TV.